CSS Stands for Cascading Stylesheet, it is a scripting language For Controlling The Presentation, flow, and style of HTML Elements. To be Honest, CSS is not an easy thing to master it requires practice and practice, in this article I will show you the roadmap of how you can start your CSS Journey.
Completely New To CSS
If you are completely new to CSS I personally recommend one of the best teachers on youtube The Net ninja, he will take you nice and easy and teach you so many CSS concepts such as The basics, positioning, responsive design, etc. Check Him out.
If you are the type that prefers reading search out freecodecamp
or mdn
Familiarity With The Basics
After you are familiar with the basics of CSS, what you will need to do is apply that knowledge and build useful stuff. There is a great website called frontendmentor
it offers you design problems you can try out yourself and get community feedback when you submit them. if you are stuck building this challenge check out these channels
Practice and Consistency
Even though you build one or two challenges you can't stop, you have to keep on practicing and practicing and that's why I highly recommend checking out frontendmentor.io.
Good Refrences
Good Youtube Channels To Follow
CSS Requires practice and dedication, just keep on building websites, and evenentually you will become a CSS Pro. Do not forget to check out the references list above, thank you for reading see you next time.